


What if being great at relationships was something that was

easy for you?

  • How would that change your life?
  • How would that impact the people you love?
  • How would that transform your business?

And what if you knew it was a skill you could easily learn? Regardless of your past, your upbringing or your circumstances?

The truth is...

We are in constant relationship with the world around us. In every moment of every day. And the quality of our daily interactions, from the most fleeting to the most significant, all contribute to our quality of life.

Yet so many of us go through life without a clear understanding of how relationships actually work or how to make them better. So we struggle to connect, to listen, to resolve conflict, to move past our moods and let go of upset. We feel judged and criticised, so we judge and criticise in return. And on it goes.

Being great at relationships is not just something that’s ‘nice to have’, it’s a ‘must have’. It’s an essential life skill with the potential to transform every aspect of your life at home, at work and everywhere in between. And it’s possible for each and every one of us, regardless of our age, personality or past experiences.


I’m Fiona Lukeis

and I’m a relationship specialist.

I help couples and individuals, teams and leaders to cultivate stronger, happier, better relationships for more satisfaction and success. 

It’s an understanding I teach my clients, based on a revolutionary discovery around how our thinking works and how it creates and impacts our experience of the world around us, especially the way we relate to others. You can read more about this understanding here.

Over the past 11 years in private practice, I’ve worked with people from all walks of life, from CEOs and celebrities to teachers and tradespeople. And what I’ve noticed time and time again, is how much we underestimate the power and impact we have in our relationships with others. It’s a creative potential that goes untapped, unnoticed and unutilised and it’s the number one thing that holds us back.


Let me show you something


Most of us don’t realise that, quite innocently, we’re looking in the wrong direction for answers. We mistakenly believe what we seek is ‘out there’, outside of us, separate from us. I’m here to show you a new place to look, to help you have a profoundly different perspective.

This is why this understanding is so powerful - for any person, any relationship, any situation.

This isn’t the same tired old personal development shtick you might have heard a thousand times before.

  • It’s not about controlling your thinking and only having positive thoughts (which is impossible by the way and goes against our natural design as human beings).
  • It’s not about going back into the past, reliving painful events and digging up old trauma. That’s not where you’ll find the answers you’re looking for.
  • It’s not about arming yourself with a long list of things to do that requires effort, stress and hard work. That’s exhausting and unnecessary.
  • It’s not about psycho-analysing yourself and unearthing things you don’t like about yourself. Nobody flourishes when you look in that direction.

It’s simply about the two of us sitting down and having a conversation, one possibly unlike any other you’ve had before. A conversation that leads to insight that leads to change. The kind of lasting, easy, transformational change I have a feeling you’ve been searching for.

"“After working with Fiona I am now living a life that I could never imagine. In a way it’s too good to be true but it truly is. I have met and attracted people along my path that I never normally thought could be possible.
I’m free of all the harsh judgements, fear and negativity and I am staying true to myself as a human being”"

- Ahn Tran-Scicluna Owner ATS Barbers

"No matter what challenge in life you feel you have faced, do face now or may face, Fiona can absolutely guide you through and beyond it in ways you never thought possible.

THANK YOU Fiona, you’re truly a remarkable, caring, compassionate and wonderful soul."

- Michael Lauria

"It's somewhat difficult to articulate my feelings after working with Fiona, the best way would be there's a feeling of oneness; and the knowledge that there is a pool of wisdom and innate health within me at all times is a wonderful comfort for me (in a non airy-fairy kind of way). It's an “all is good in the world” kind of feeling. "

- Vanessa Aitken

A little about me...

I’ve been a leading coach, mentor and facilitator in the personal and professional development field for more than a decade, developing and facilitating programs and events right across Australia and overseas. I’ve always been fascinated by the way we relate, connect and understand one another as human beings, and I’ve worked with hundreds of individuals and couples, as well as teams and leaders in business, to help simplify and transform their relationships.

I’m also a mum to four gorgeous kids and I’ve been married to my wonderful musician husband Sam for 15 years. We have two children together, while my eldest two, who are now grown up and out of the nest, are from a previous relationship - a lesson and a story in itself, and part of the impetus that set me on the path that led me here.

We’re lucky to live in a beautiful part of the world, in a small coastal town on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria. I love living here, going out for an early morning session on my stand up paddle-board and spending time with family and friends on our back deck, just soaking up the spectacular views over the valley and across the bay.

I can feel my heart and soul expand just looking out at that view. It’s pretty magical.


But I’ll be honest, it hasn’t always been this way.

It’s fair to say, I’ve experienced a few things in my life - from trauma and loss to domestic violence, family breakdown and financial instability. I fled a controlling, abusive relationship with just my two young children and a couple of suitcases. I’ve had to rebuild my life from the bottom up more than once.

But in turn, I’ve also experienced great love, beauty, hope and the incredible healing power of human connection and understanding.

I’ve experienced the gift of insight and wisdom and human kindness. I’ve seen the best of people shine in the worst of circumstances. And I’ve seen what’s possible when we see ourselves and each other through a different lens.

It was the combination of these experiences (both good and bad), fueled by my desire to contribute something of service and meaning, that set me on this path. To try and help ease the amount of pain and suffering in the world, any way I can. To show my children what real love looks like.

Call it my driving purpose. My mission. My unstoppable ‘Why’.

To foster connection, to ease pain and suffering, to help point us all back home to who and what we really are. Pure love, joy, peace and wisdom.

Because from that space, anything is possible.

Much love, Fiona xx

How I can help you


Fun facts


It’s true, I’m more than a little bit obsessed with stand up paddle boarding. When the bay is smooth like glass and the day is sparkling and new, I feel like I can glide forever. That is until I realise I’ve completely lost track of time and paddled way too far and then I have to paddle all the way back into a head wind. Still love it though. #supaddict

I once rode around the streets of LA on the back of a hot pink Harley Davidson motorbike behind the one and only George Lazenby after meeting him on a flight out of Hawaii (the Aussie James Bond for those too young to remember - google him).


I love a good hill. This cannot be overstated. Walking up them, gazing at views from them, feeling the expansion in my being just standing on top of them. There’s just something about being elevated. You can see further than your own immediate surroundings. It changes your perspective in an instant (literally!). I live in a house perched on a ridgeline overlooking Port Phillip Bay and I gotta tell you, after years of living in flat suburban Melbourne, it is a truly magnificent thing.

My labradoodle Remy is my faithful best friend, devoted man-servant and ever dependable CFO (Chief Furry Officer). This curly haired little guy pops up a lot in my socials because well, we are pretty inseparable and he is pretty dang cute. He’s taught me so much about unconditional love and devotion and while there are times when his rather intense fixation with me is a bit much, I absolutely adore him to bits and don’t know what I’d do without him.


Late at night when I need to switch my brain off, my guilty go-to is old ‘Friends’ clips on YouTube..(“We were on a break!”)

My first love was a gorgeous feisty buckskin mare named Goldie, who just prior to my parents deciding to buy her, had been running with Brumbies (wild horses) in Victoria’s high country. Some might say a strange choice for a young novice rider but Goldie and I were destined for each other. We were a perfect match. No one could ride her but me. We would flare our nostrils at each other across the paddock at a hundred paces.


I completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations, taking out a top award in my final year. But working in the industry afterward didn’t light me up and I barely endured a year before switching careers and becoming a trained sommelier (still have a deep appreciation for a beautiful fine wine). I was yearning for something more, something of substance and value even though at that young age I had no idea what.

If I wasn’t a relationship specialist, I’d be happily running an animal sanctuary on a beautiful property somewhere, wearing gumboots and splattered in mud, taking in elderly and unwanted animals and giving them a safe, happy, loving home to see out their days.



General Bio

Fiona Lukeis has been a leading coach, mentor and facilitator in the personal and professional development field for more than a decade, developing and facilitating programs and events both here in Australia and internationally.

Founder of renowned coaching practice, The Relationship Place, Fiona has worked with hundreds of individuals and couples, as well as teams and leaders in business, to help simplify and transform their relationships.

As a leading practitioner of the Three Principles, Fiona explores the way people relate, connect and understand one another, and the fundamental truths behind how we experience the world as human beings. Having seen the life changing impact of this work first hand with her clients and students, Fiona is dedicated to sharing this understanding with the wider community, and is at the forefront of the Three Principles in Australia.

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